Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann and Valentin Vogt at Lenzlinger

Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann and Valentin Vogt, President of the Swiss Employers' Confederation, recently visited Lenzlinger Söhne AG as part of the Workforce Initiative.

The Federal Council and the Employers' Confederation are keen to exploit the labour market potential of different sections of the population, particularly as the baby boomer generation is coming to retirement age. The current focus is on sensitising all involved parties regarding the employment of older workers. There was discussion of how in practice to keep this group of people in the labour market for as long as possible.

A discussion forum with the eminent guests and representatives of the company at Lenzlinger's headquarters in Nänikon was followed by a brief tour of the production facility in Uster, which manufactures raised access floors.

Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann also briefly commented on other issues in which his department is currently involved. These include the difficult negotiations with the European Union around implementation of the federal popular initiative against mass immigration in accordance with bilateral agreements. Here the Federal Council now sees a protection clause for Swiss workers as a possible option.

Pictures of the tour of the raised access floor production facility in Uster and of the subsequent discussions in Nänikon.

Fotos: Stefan Küng, Uster